Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 57: Carlyle, IL to Red Hills, IL

Today's Mileage: 92
Total Mileage: 3018!

We woke up and got an early start on the road, relishing the cool morning air. We stopped after about 15 miles for breakfast in Sandoval. We kept trucking and made it to Flora, where we had a late sit-down lunch, and talked to several nice people.

After lunch, we stretched out in the park while Karin fixed her flat. The owner of the local Dairy Queen heard about our story and came by to offer us gift certificates. Nobody can say no to free ice cream, so we made our way there and ate as much as we could manage after an already-filling lunch.

Needless to say, the flat tire and ice cream put us a little behind schedule, and it was after 4 p.m. By the time we left Flora.

When we reached Olney, we were pleased to learn that our campsite was 9 miles closer than we had anticipated. We weren't sure if there were showers, so we debated showering at a truck stop before continuing on. I decided to take a gamble and keep riding to the campground while there was still light out.

It was an easy ride, but pitch dark by the time I got to Red Hills State Park. Luckily, there were showers and I got ready for bed quickly. Karin and Debbie followed soon after. After hearing that they both ran over a dead raccoon in the road, I'm glad I was riding while there was still daylight!


srenne said...

Just shy of a another century..congratulations. Look out Indiana, here comes 3 chicks on bikes and they're rollin' fast!!
You really are closing in on the last days of your adventure. A lot exciting and a little sad, I'm guessing. This blog has been so fun to follow, even though most of MY words never make it to you.
Pedal hard, Press

Maxine said...

Already over the Mississippi and into Indiana! I'm glad it wasn't you that drove over the raccoon--think of Cornelia!
More friends are reading your blog and are so impressed with all your accomplishments! We too are so very proud of you and your friends. Keep on going. Just wish we could be in DC when you arrive!

Maxine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Don't worry Maxine, We plan to Welcome Ceci and & Friends in style We are so excited that she is almost here!

Molly Shapiro, L.Ac said...

Over 3,000 miles?! That's awesome! I love reading....keep it coming :)

Maxine said...

Oops! I realize now that I put you in Indiana already! Sorry.

Unknown said...

Hey- is that Carlton working on the computer behind Debbi on the bus/metro? It's reat that you brought Tech support along.

srenne said...

Hey- it's Wednesday and we haven't seen a blog since Sunday. Where are you guys? Everything OK? You must be in Ohio by now.
See how you have us all addicted to this??? Press

Alpine Dave said...

Take it easy, Press. I talked to Ceci the night before last and everything is fine. They are at the home of a friend of Debbi's and plan to rest for another day or two. I asked about it before and the thing is, when resting at friends homes, they have even less time to blog and whatever. Everyone likes to hear all the stories and give lots of attention so the day(s) just fly by. More updates will come as soon as there's new travel news.

Alpine Dave said...

Oh, and sorry, Press. I know how you ALWAYS want a location so... they are in Indiana, somewhere along the 50. Best I can do.

Unknown said...

I just caught up on your blog. I remain amazed at you all and your arduous trip. So Eulalee is moving to Branson! I'm glad you were able to connect! I see it will be Ceci's birthday on 8/22. This will be one birthday you won't forget!


Unknown said...

Hey cuz! Happy bday! Keep on going but take some chill time as well. Can't wait to see you in D.C. Sneaky raccoons, funny stuff.