Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 45: Rest Day!

Today's Mileage: 20
Total Mileage: 2429

"Mileage?!" you say, "On a rest day?!"

Yes, it's true.

We were in the Southwest corner of Wichita to meet Alpine Dave, who flew in to ride with us for a week. In order to set ourselves up for a speedy getaway the next morning, we decided to head for the Northwest edge of town.

First, we stopped and had a Nu-Way, Wichita's own steamed-ground-beef-on-a-bun-sandwich. Then we headed to the bike shop. It turned out that my bike did NOT have a cricket problem, but DID need a new bottom bracket. I also splurged on some new shorts.

Then our ride took us along the scenic Arkansas River (again) and into a weird industrial train yard part of town. It was 106 degrees out, and the short ride was sapping us of energy. Finally, we stopped in Park City for the night and enjoyed a dip in the indoor pool, which was the perfect temperature.


Unknown said...

I have to admit I love Wichita, been there several times on business. Great beer, a river, a downtown, great beer...

Unknown said...

OK so I was at spin class yesterday and I kept thinking, "wow Ceci is crazy" 60 minutes is all I was required. my ass is sore. I can't believe you're in Kansas already. that's cool that AD flew in to bike with ya'll some more. How fun. :)

DF and RB said...

FLAT, FLAT FLAT.... I just checked Street View for Park City and I've never seen anything that flat! You could probably see St Luis if you had a small ladder.

Have fun,Roll On;