Today's Mileage: 58
Total Mileage: 2015
We awoke refreshed and rejuvenated at Aunt Irene's house. Wesley cooked up some eggs, and we lounged around for way too long before hitting the road. We didn't get off until 9:30 and it was already hot.
The ride out of Pueblo was fun, and we were excited to finally be on the official TransAmerica trail heading East.
The ride was mellow and flat. We stopped for lunch in Boone, and were happy to see a sign in the grocery store welcoming cyclists to the Prairie Horizon Trail. Bill was inside, and he offered us a map and lots of useful information about the area... such as, DON'T talk to the town pervert, a local con-artist who tricks children, senior citizens, and apparently cyclists into his lurid games. Sure enough, when we passed his house we saw a sign welcoming Adventure Cyclists into his lair.
The flat, mellow ride continued along happily. We found a restaurant open in Olney Springs, and stopped for a cold drink. This place also made a point of welcoming us to the Prairie Horizons Trail, and asked us to sign the log. They also tipped us off to a special treat 11 miles down the road in Ordway: the spray-park.
We arrived at our destination to find Wesley at a park, jumping around in a fountain. We changed into our bathing suits and joined him - what a great thing to find on a hot day like today! (It was also good, because it substituted for the shower we wouldn't be getting in the evening).
We ate an an excellent little cafe and headed off to the park to camp. I fixed a flat tire while some local guys tried to scare us. The high school was showing Spiderman on the football field, and kids were everywhere. The town park was apparently also the local "cruising" scene, so we listened to lots of carrying on while we tried to fall asleep. The dogs were barking, and there was a horrible poo smell that kept wafting in our tents, probably from a nearby farm... or perhaps from the park's porta-potty.
Almost to Kansas!!! That is awesome..pedal strong. Hated to hear of the HOT headwinds, what's up with that? Supposed to be tail-winds, huh? Where's the suggested bio on your new cycling friends? And even a refresher bio of Wesley would be nice. We're all living your la vida loca and loving it!!!
And don't forget Rosemary, Fox and Alpine Dave (although Press knows who they are)
Yeah, that'll make for some interesting reading!
Roll On
That's 'cause you're such an interesting guy. See you in Mammoth!
Ceci! Congrats on your adventure! I've been enjoying your blog since it started- You are a brave, amazing woman! Good luck with the rest of your travels and best wishes to you once you get to your final destination my friend!
You are too funny. Glad all went well on trip to Ordway and that you avoided the pervert. Safe peddling!
Wow, over 2,000 miles. That is just incredible! Aunt Irene...I'd like a picture. She sounds like a great character from a novel/children's book :)
I guess your roads will be fairly flat for quite a while now! That will probably be a relief, but it won't be so scenic. I'm glad Aunt Irene took good care of you. I'm following your excellent adventure with interest and admiration.
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