Today's Mileage: 42
Total Mileage: 1760
We awoke after a silent, restful night at 6:30. Debbie got lost on the way to the showers, but shortly we were fed on whatever breakfast we could scratch up at the marina store, and we were on our way.
It was just 15 miles to Gunnison, and my bike was already hurting me. But I was determined to ride the entire way, since we would be visiting my older brother. Perhaps I had something to prove, since I have been to Crested Butte to see him several times since he's lived here, including BY BIKE from San Diego, and he NEVER once visited me during the six years I lived there. But I'm not bitter.
After messing around for a little while in Gunnison, snacking on bagels and pirouettes, we headed north to Crested Butte. I got a head start, and Wesley caught me after about 9 miles. At one of my 10-miles stretch breaks, I realized that my saddle was not straight on the bike, and Wesley fixed it for me quickly. After that, I had no more back pain... so perhaps this was the culprit. I don't know how I could have ridden all that time without noticing my seat was crooked!
The rain came on strong, with big, fat, stinging pellets of water, and we scrambled to cover our panniers with rain gear. Just as quickly as it had come on, we rode out of it. Poor Debbie got a flat tire in the rain.
We arrived at Rafa's house, which was huge and beautiful. I was so happy to have a warm, dry place out of the rain.
So glad you are finally at Rafa and Molly's place! Hope you all get to rest and have fun on a rafting trip!
You guys are doing great! I'm so impressed!
Margaret Allsebrook
I read every posting and just noticed the "Comments" which allowed me to comentar. I think you are doing Great on this trip. Hello to Rafa.
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