Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 36: Crested Butte, CO to Sargents, CO

Today's Mileage: 59
Total Mileage: 1819

We said a sad good-bye to Rafa and Molly and headed out for an easy downhill stretch into Gunnison. The morning was beautiful.

After only a couple miles, Wesley got a horrible cramp in his thigh, and was only able to pedal with one leg. He still managed to keep up with us. He decided to stop in Almont and try to massage away the pain, telling us to go on without him.

The three of us girls met up in Gunnison for Sunday brunch and worried about Wesley. He was in a lot of pain. Would he be able to make it to Sargents by evening? Should he hitch a ride? Would he be able to ride up Monarch Pass tomorrow? We left him voice mail and text instructions to meet us in Sargents, even if it meant hitching a ride, and continued on our way.

By this time, the day was getting hot. We only had 33 miles to go, and it was rolling hills, that gradually took us back up to 8000 feet. I was riding slow, but made it to Sargents before any rain could get me. Debbie and Karin had been chatting up some folks before I arrived and managed to perform an awesome Yogi, arranging for our gear carried over Monarch Pass to Salida for us the next day.

We kept our camping gear with us, and eventually Wesley caught up to us, having massaged his leg sufficiently to make the ride. We spent the night in a tepee.


srenne said...

We went north before Salida and up into Denver on our 2nd trip. But most of your route in Colo. was just how we rode through it. Enjoy Monarch Pass, that was a doozey.
I think we're all jonesin' for a postin' when you disappear for a few days. You have us addicted, my dear. Shame on you.

Unknown said...

yippee- the adventure continues! Take good care, Lionel is waitng for you. BTW- I wanna know a little about these people you are with. We hear their names, but that is it, might I suggest a picture and mini bio of them? I've decided to have a cook out when you arrive ,your bike buddies are welcome too!

Molly Shapiro, L.Ac said...

How is Wesley's leg doing? Make sure he's getting enough potassium/eating some bananas!