Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 8: Big Pine, CA to Benton, CA

Today's mileage: 58

Total mileage: 449

We awoke early to pack up our camp and head the remaining 16 miles into Bishop, a larger town where we could resupply. Specifically, I needed a shirt and Dave needed new flip flops. It turned out that Wesley didn't need a new tire after all, so we didn't delay there too long... Just a short detour to Mahogany Smoked Meats for some of their beef jerky I had been hearing about since San Diego.

We were all happy to get onto a new road, taking highway 6 northeast towards Nevada. Our plan was to stop in Basalt, NV, just over the state line.

For whatever reason, the going was slow. Flats felt like hills and downhills were deceivingly flat. The topgraphy made it difficult to judge distances, and I founf myself on several long uphill stretches that had initially presented themselves as molehills.

When Alpine and I caught up with Wesley in Benton, we were still 23 miles (and at least one mountain) away from our goal. Luckily, he had spent enough time yakking with the locals to find out that, in fact, there was NOTHING along the way until Tonopah.

Luckily for us, the locals also informed us of some camping at hot springs only a few miles off our route. We opted for this, and were pleased to find ourselves set up with a private hot tub for the night.

Even though it was still warm out, we all enjoyed lounging in the water until we were well past prune fingers. All in all, this little setback turned into a nice surprise.

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