Monday, June 16, 2008

Countdown to Big Bike Ride

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm excited to announce my big bike ride, in which I plan to ride my bicycle from San Diego, CA to Washington, DC. Am I crazy? Probably, but I'm going to do it anyway.

After six great years in San Diego, I've decided to move away and start fresh somewhere else. This Spring, I was one of many unlucky teachers who received a layoff notice after California planned to reduce its education budget drastically. That's when I decided it was time for a new adventure. Eventually, after a lot of support from my union, my layoff was rescinded... but I liked the bike trip idea so much I decided to go for it anyway.

My bike trip ends in Washington, DC and I may decide to plant roots there for a while... or I may decide to find a teaching job somewhere else. For now, I'm just looking forward to my trip and worrying about the rest later.

I will be accompanied on my ride for the first few days by some San Diego friends who are part of my regular riding group (Dave Fox, Rosemary Braun, and "Alpine" Dave Brockway) as well as another cyclist (Wesley) I met online.

For those who are far away: please visit my blog, where I plan to write about my trip and post pictures and maps:

For those who are in San Diego: I'd love it if you would send me off by joining me for the first leg of my journey! I will be leaving on Sunday, June 22 at 8:30 a.m. from Newport Avenue, just north of the pier in Ocean Beach. Whether you'd like to ride the whole way across the country, or to Temecula for the night, or ten miles, or one mile... or just show up to say to good-bye, I'd love to see you there.

Thanks to all for their support! I'll be in touch via e-mail and updating the blog, so please don't hesitate to contact me.

With love,


  1. Are you insane?!?! Perhaps :)
  2. Aren't you scared? What scares me the most are the hills (unavoidable), the saddle sore, the bike breaking down, my body breaking down, and theft. But other than that, I'm just excited!
  3. Will you be staying in hotels? Some, but I'll be carrying camping gear for most nights to keep costs down.
  4. Do you have a route planned out? Yes, some of which I came up with on my own, and some which I borrowed from Adventure Cycling's great maps.
  5. How much gear will you be carrying? About 40 lbs.
  6. Will you come visit me? I'd love to, if it's anywhere near my route. Let me know if you want some company.


Unknown said...

ROCK ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF! We will miss you!!!!!!!!!! Have fun out there and be safe. XOXO Gena

Unknown said...

Are you CRAZY is my first thought, but that is quickly replaced with awe! I figure that if you could survive this school year, then you can do anything! I, too, will miss you Cecilia. I wish you all the best that luck and safety can bring as you make your way across the United States. Wow! Dina

Alpine Dave said...

I'm reading this at 4 a.m. getting ready to shove off. I'm getting as many bills paid on-line before I go so the pressure to get back will be less. I'm hoping Cecelia has a really great trip and I'm going to do as much as I can to see that she does. Thanks to all the friends that came out to the many various send offs given to CeCe. It was easy to see the she was very much loved in San Diego and will be very much missed.

Alpine Dave

Rich said...

Hi Guys -

Had lots of fun seeing you off yesterday!I'm sure you are in for a memorable trip.

Remember to keep having fun through what I'm sure will be tough at times.

I'll send my pics to Dave so he can post.

Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cece!

I had a great time on Sunday! Like Rich said, Keep it fun! You're on an adventure of a life time! We'll miss ya!


Unknown said...

Cecilia, que aventurera eres! Me dio mucha pena escuchar lo del ticket. Te admiro por lo que estás haciendo. Que te diviertas!